About Claire Marie

I am Claire Marie.

I am very happy you stopped by my website. I have been working in the energy therapy field for almost 20 years and in the spiritual, metaphysical field most of my life. I knew at a young age I wanted to live a spiritual life, but didn’t know how that would look when I lost my faith in the institution of religion at the age of 15. That is when my true journey to self-awareness began. I opened myself up to learning everything I could about what is out there to see where the apex of spirituality rested for myself. In my investigation, I learned so many ways to channel, articulate and actualize divine energy to allow healing for myself, as well as others. I am interested in and curious about all forms of spiritual awareness and how it benefits those who feel connected to the whole of life, the planet and the cosmic infinite.

My credentials include:

  • Healing Touch Practitioner (certified from 2010 - 2020)

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner

  • Amazon Best Selling Author in the Ancestors Within Book series. (Book 4)

    Also trained in:

  • EFT, TFT Tapping

  • Healing Symbols

  • Sacred Geometry

  • Remote Viewing

  • Access Consciousness

  • Mind, Body Connection

    I study Shamanism, meditation, mindfulness, energy frequency, archetypes, shadow work, and much more as a vehicle for my own growth. I believe in the value of being present and slowing down to be truly alive everyday. I believe in love, oneness and limitless possibility. I believe in and feel acutely the vibrational frequency of energy.

Whether you are new to this work or are diving deeper into your own journey, I can support you in a variety of ways. We will work together to discover what would be most helpful for you; whether that is guided information about your journey, healing for your mind/body/spirit, or finding how you open to the world.

I would love to work with you!

Positive energy for the best energy healing therapy available