The StarGate is a sacred technology that can act as an accelerant for your Spiritual Growth and the expansion of Consciousness. Sit around the Merkabah as part of an intimate group; the Star Gate can help you achieve new levels of peace, karmic resolution and healing in an effortless, gentle manner. The Orbs within the Merkabah are self-cleaning and anything released during a session goes back into pure energy with no residue or debris left behind.
Star Gate Sessions Can Provide:
● Re-patterning on a cosmic level
● Vibrational changes in & around the body
● Deep cleansing of the aura
● Kundalini shifts enabling improved perception
● Cleansing of the chakras
From Dominus Cervix
What you might notice after a Star Gate Session:
● Increased self- acceptance
● Improved fluid balance & bowel movements
● More color in the face & an improved energy flow
● Gradual release of negative thoughts and feelings
● Clearer, sharper thinking.