Welcome To The New World!

How are you doing?

Our whole energetic system is evolving to hold way more energy than we have been able to hold as humans than ever before.  We are taking on, and funneling in, so much information that it may feel like you want to combust. We are being energetically wrung out, so we have enough bandwidth to hold the elevated vibrations we are being asked to carry. 

You may be feeling or noticing this in several different ways. You may be finding it difficult to calibrate your own self or find it difficult to sync with others. It may be taking a toll on you by creating disharmony in your thoughts, letting go of old though patterns so open mindedness can come in, to disharmony in body and emotion, we are letting go of old traumas or hurts that are holding us back. These discomforts are our growing pains! Remember those from your youth? The ache and excitement of rushing to adulthood? Well, it’s happening again, only this time, we are forging into a new kind of being, that is human plus more. Allowing us to age more gracefully, recognize our wisdom and the wisdom of others. To walk hand in hand with nature and the heavens for courage and compassion.

This is the time to remember to relax into yourself. The more tension you hold, the more painful this evolution will become. Relax, breathe, and allow expansion to flow through you and into you. Allow higher vibrations like love, joy and peace to carry you to your rightful, authentic place. Listen to your heart. It will tell you everything you need to know.  If you still need help, come see me for some loving, safe, calibration. Let’s soothe these growing pains together so you can walk into your future with confidence, grace, and open arms.

Click here to schedule an appointment with me!


Why Surrender?


Rock On With Your Crystal Self!